Available 18 Jan 2016 – Trends Formation Breeding examines major trends touching the hereafter of didactics and sets the backcloth on approaching challenges for insurance makers and breeding providers likewise. This ferment does not spring conclusive answers: it is not an analytic account nor is it a statistical collection, and it is surely not a affirmation of OECD insurance on these dissimilar developments. It is rather a stimulant for thought around major tendencies that bear the potency to determine breeding, and conversely, the likely of instruction to regulate these trends.Survey us:
1 Dec 2015 – Unfold educational resources (Over) are education, erudition and inquiry materials that pee use of tools such as clear licensing to let their disengage reprocess, uninterrupted advance and repurposing by others for educational purposes. The Over community has big well concluded the preceding ten eld and the brownie of Over on educational systems has turn a permeating factor of educational insurance. This story aims to spotlight nation of the art developments and practices in Over, but besides to show how Over can be a instrument for institution in instruction and eruditeness. It offers an outside billet and concrete examples to help policy makers, monitoring experts and practitioners in the field develop their own monitoring policies and practices.
Global Education Industry SummitInterpret the blog.Contact us: ceri.contact@oecd.orgRead the blog.Trends Shaping Education 2016
22 Oct 2015 – Search suggests that, when it comes to babyhood breeding and aid, tone matters almost. A maturation turn of countries are establishing monitoring systems to guarantee timber and answerableness in these programmes. This new issue explores how countries can acquire and use these systems to heighten servicing and faculty character for the gain of kid maturation.
Schooling Redesigned – Towards Innovative Learning Systems19-20 Oct 2015 – This eyeshade brought together ministers of teaching, innovators and leading of the mystic sector industries to converse and occupy in issues roughly nurture and strategies for innovation. Participants explored opportunities offered by foundation in teaching and eruditeness, in society to leverage quality and paleness of educational outcomes. The intellection was to foster an
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instauration ecosystem in pedagogics, to explore the opportunities offered by induction in direction and learning, and to discussion the manakin upwind for innovation in precept which would leverage bore and comeliness of education’s outcomes. Skim the blog.Open Educational Resources: A Catalyst for Innovation
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